Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Politics is not my thang but... read this.

I was contemplating on whether to write a blog based on politics because, in all honesty, I know nothing about politics, I am not political, I hate politics and after a year of studying Government & Politics, I can tell you, I still have no idea what a coalition is, or any of that other political shizzle.
What the different parties do... I have no idea. Yet, I want to become a journalist. FIX UP SALMA!!!
But I do know that the party in power now - The Conservatives- are a load of crap! Citizens must have been mega rich and drunk when voting for them to be in power.
As a journalist, we shouldn't really be biased or take sides but I'm not a journalist- yet, and I am human so I will believe what I want to believe and I will be biased because sometimes people don't see or hear the truth. And when you know the truth, you will become biased.  (I don't really like being too serious but this is a cause for concern)
Anyhow, though politics bores me and makes me mad, because we frankly have stupid, only concerned for the rich, 'lets make the poor poorer', kind of people in power, it saddens me to see the lives being taken away due to politics. Egypt, Syria, Bangladesh, Palestine and many others. The most recent one being Egypt, and with all the raw images of dead people, following the news and seeing them get shot, mothers crying near corpses, children confused and hysterical, my heart goes out to all the victims. Syria as well, where the government worship their leader. Palestine - Gaza, where Israel keep taking land that is not theirs. I mean, can anyone get any more greedy than Israel? I give it up to them, they managed to take all that land but, what use will that land be when the world ends?
As a person who barely knows much about politics, I can share one or two facts.
This 'Democracy' is a clear myth. It is something that misleads people and it is the cause of wars and deaths. It is a lie! 'Power to the People'? Seriously? The chance to vote is hardly any power. The Western world claims to be democratic and this is what the Middle East would like, hence all the uproars in all these countries. Living in the UK, I can tell you, we barely have democracy. No one took my vote or heard me out when they increased my tuition fees! People get arrested for speaking the truth! Where is the power to the people!  This 'democracy' that everyone wants, is a murderer. And while innocent lives get killed over this myth, watch how the leaders of the UK, the leaders of the US and the leaders of Israel laugh and celebrate with joy. They know clearly, that democracy does not exist.
I find it funny, Syrians are killing Syrians, Egyptians are killing Egyptians, forget about religion here, but people are killing their own people. However, Tear gas, bullets, guns, grenades and all other weapons of destruction that are being supplied to these countries are from places like Israel and America. People are killing their own people with help from the enemies, the people who have more or less helped create uproars, massacres, issues.
I could go on and on about how I feel about  the issues in Egypt, the killing in Syria, massacres in Palestine, killing Muslims in Burma and Bangladesh, separating children from parents, putting innocent people in Guantanamo Bay due to assumptions etc, but it won't make a difference to what is happening. People are narrow minded. And sadly, young children are getting caught up in all of this and are being taught lies.
If Barack Obama ever reads this, or victims stories, and he has a change of heart and decides to help the oppressed in the Middle East (and other countries of course), I promise all you people out there, I will give him a medal (made of paper- gold and silver are way out of my budget...)  and refuse his handshake (if he offers his hands to shake)
My prayers are with you all, all the victims, friends and families of victims, children, adults, animals. Hopefully one day you will get what you deserve. You have given your lives to honour and protect. You have my full respect.
I also pray for those of yous who are taking part in the killing. The military, the Israeli Soldiers, Assads people. I feel sorry for you all because you're all victims and you do not realise it. You are all treated as fools and people really and truly laugh at you.I pray that God guides you towards the right path and makes you see how ignorant, arrogant, sick, disgusting and mentally ill you all were/still are.
"This world is not run by America, this world is not run by Israel and this world is not run by the enemies of Islam". 
#PrayForEgypt #PrayForSyria #SaveSyria #FreePalestine #HelpSomalia #SaveTheUmmah #PrayForTheUmmah #Rabia
That's all from me folks.
Until next time.
Salaam Aleykum, Peace, Tata, Cheerio

Friday, 16 August 2013


Two years of revision, going out less, not missing a single lesson (yup, that's me. Never skipped a single lesson in two years) all came down to this one day. A few letters on a piece of paper, ink on a tree. The sleepless night and the early wake just to see whether I'd been accepted to the University of my first choice. I wasn't disappointed!!! This meant my grades weren't too bad. However, I did hope that I could go to another university which would have been amazing for me. But those few letters said otherwise.
Still, I was confirmed at a University (which I didn't really want to go to) and for that I was happy. After several calls and seeing people frantically trying to get hold of someone on the other side of their phones, I managed to decline the University that accepted me and got an offer at a totally different University (which was actually my second choice).

I'll come out with it. I studied English Language, Sociology & Psychology (which I totally hate) and I got Cs for all of them. I was disappointed. Really upset. My predicted grades were BBC and I was far off from them. It made me more annoyed. I remember the Sociology and English exams not being too difficult but I still ended up with Cs.

But the thing is, even though I was disheartened by my results, down the phone, my parents were cheering and celebrating, my sisters were telling their friends and relatives were calling me up. How could I be so down with my results when my family were over the moon!!!??? Sure, I could have done ten times better but I could have also done twenty time worse.

We should be proud of ourselves. We are the young people of the 21st century, bombarded, distracted and diagnosed with a disease know as technology - social networking sites.

We've been accepted to Universities and that's the most important thing.

Anyway, I was awaiting a few beats, punches here and there for when I got home. Nothing bad or personal. That's just how my siblings celebrate a happy moment. Luckily, they were distracted by my half smile, and tried to cheer me up and it worked.

I've always been and always will be grateful for the family I was born and raised into. Supportive no matter what the outcome may be.

We should appreciate what we have, who we have and love those who support us dearly.

Appreciate the magnificent opportunities we had/have. Some people around the globe would die to have our place and have the right to education. We need to take advantage of these opportunities. It's sad that I've realised this now because I will have to pay for University from my own pockets (later in life).

Think of the situation you are in and the situation someone your age is in, somewhere in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Burma, India etc. You will find a big difference.

I am proud of us all and in order for others to be happy with the results we got, we need to be happy with ourselves.

Over and out

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

New here but this is me :D

Hey people, Salaam Aleykum, Shalom, Namaste, Sasriyakaal, Bonjour, Hola, PEACE!!!

So, I'm new to all this blogging, and it will take a while before I get the hang of all of this. But in the meantime, here is a little bit about me.
I am Salma, Muslim, Born and raised in London, 18 years old, just finished College and waiting on my results - kill me now!!!
I want to go to University to study Journalism because I love writing. I'm surprised at myself, WHY DIDN'T I MAKE A BLOG AGES AGO!!!???
I haven't travelled much, but I love to travel. I want to see the world, on a hot air balloon, but I'll settle with travelling by an aeroplane and walking on foot - My feet are my only carriage.
The Middle East, Asia and Africa are the places that intrigue me the most, so maybe when I'm older, and when the money is rolling in, I'll travel and take my writing skills with me, and hopefully, if my dreams come true, I will publish a book about my crazy life with my family, my friends, my cat and other people I have come across in my life. (Every person you meet in your life, have an impact on you, even if you do not realise. It could be a negative impact but a lesson can be taught and it could be a positive impact which you cherish and never let go)

Anyway, I have a lot of opinions on a lot of things and hopefully through blogging, I can get my opinions heard.
As a teenager, I love to socialise, write poems, have fun and I tend to blabber on a bit. But hey, that's me. Wild, Adventurous and sometimes... A rule breaker.
Some people see me to be: weird, a tomboy, independent, sporty, a young person standing for her rights, eager, a dreamer and FULL ON CRAZY!!!

Once I get the hang of all this Blogging, I will Blog a lot more about anything and everything. (My blogs may or may not be formal, depending on my mood and the topic.)
Then, I plan to start Vlogging and start my own YouTube channel. You know, get into the zone of all this Journalist work. I'll be starting from the bottom and hopefully I'll get to the top (A little big of Drake there, a bit more formal. I'm not a big fan though)

So that's me. If you follow my blog/blogs, you'll see more of me and my personality through my writing, and the topics I will write about. I hope that in the future, my blogs will not offend anyone and will be friendly enough for you awesome people to approach me and give me your opinions on the things I blog about.

But for now...

Salaam Aleykum
Peace out!!!