Tuesday, 13 August 2013

New here but this is me :D

Hey people, Salaam Aleykum, Shalom, Namaste, Sasriyakaal, Bonjour, Hola, PEACE!!!

So, I'm new to all this blogging, and it will take a while before I get the hang of all of this. But in the meantime, here is a little bit about me.
I am Salma, Muslim, Born and raised in London, 18 years old, just finished College and waiting on my results - kill me now!!!
I want to go to University to study Journalism because I love writing. I'm surprised at myself, WHY DIDN'T I MAKE A BLOG AGES AGO!!!???
I haven't travelled much, but I love to travel. I want to see the world, on a hot air balloon, but I'll settle with travelling by an aeroplane and walking on foot - My feet are my only carriage.
The Middle East, Asia and Africa are the places that intrigue me the most, so maybe when I'm older, and when the money is rolling in, I'll travel and take my writing skills with me, and hopefully, if my dreams come true, I will publish a book about my crazy life with my family, my friends, my cat and other people I have come across in my life. (Every person you meet in your life, have an impact on you, even if you do not realise. It could be a negative impact but a lesson can be taught and it could be a positive impact which you cherish and never let go)

Anyway, I have a lot of opinions on a lot of things and hopefully through blogging, I can get my opinions heard.
As a teenager, I love to socialise, write poems, have fun and I tend to blabber on a bit. But hey, that's me. Wild, Adventurous and sometimes... A rule breaker.
Some people see me to be: weird, a tomboy, independent, sporty, a young person standing for her rights, eager, a dreamer and FULL ON CRAZY!!!

Once I get the hang of all this Blogging, I will Blog a lot more about anything and everything. (My blogs may or may not be formal, depending on my mood and the topic.)
Then, I plan to start Vlogging and start my own YouTube channel. You know, get into the zone of all this Journalist work. I'll be starting from the bottom and hopefully I'll get to the top (A little big of Drake there, a bit more formal. I'm not a big fan though)

So that's me. If you follow my blog/blogs, you'll see more of me and my personality through my writing, and the topics I will write about. I hope that in the future, my blogs will not offend anyone and will be friendly enough for you awesome people to approach me and give me your opinions on the things I blog about.

But for now...

Salaam Aleykum
Peace out!!!

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