Whoever said 'Go all out in first year, enjoy it and get wasted' well, you're a really bad role model.
I have only been at Uni for two weeks and already I'm stressed. I've always had eye bags but now my eye bags have reached my chin (ok, I kind of over exaggerated)
We recently had seminars on democracy and journalism. I have written a whole blog post about democracy and my view on it. I have said it before and I will say it again, DEMOCRACY IS A LOAD OF RUBBISH!!! It does not exist. It is a man made lie, a myth.
A state which is said to have democracy isn't true. Its like the illuminati business. They draw you in slowly and corrupt your mind. (That's not a great metaphor, but it's similar. In all honesty, I barely know what illuminati is, except that it is guidance towards evil and daaaahmmm!!! That's what democracy is!! )
In the seminars we have been discussing a quote which goes something like 'journalism is another name for democracy'. Blah blah blah.
I have had to try and control what I say. One because, I'm not political so I am afraid of saying something stupid. All know is that democracy means power to the people.
Two because, although criticism isn't a bad thing, I am afraid that what I say will get criticised. There is really no 'freedom of speech'.
Lastly, number three, (a handful of you will be turning your heads right to left in disagreement and a armful of you might be like... 'woooh go Salma' and some of you guys might be lost now in what I'm writing about) Islam says it all about democracy. Democracy shouldn't exist. Why should man have power to rule a country when God made the world. God rules the world and God rules the country.
If they want laws and rules and all the other shizzle, READ THE QUR'AN maybe (even the bible or Torah, They have rules and laws). That's just my view to be honest.
Doing Journalism, we were made to make a new blog where we have to write about university, lectures and seminars every week, which will go towards our portfolios :O WHYYYY!!!
I'm not good at writing about university shizzle.
Aside from all of this uni stuff,
Oh my God!!! Eid came and went. Despite having to go to a workshop for 3 hours in the morning, it was amazing. dressing up, eating, seeing old cousins, waiting on the meat to come -which never did until the next day. I helped my mum divide it which put me off from eating the curry that she made later on. (Anyone else feel the same?)
One thing that really bothers me is when people say, 'oooh I can't be bothered about Eid this year'. SHUT UP!!!! AND BE BOTHERED!!!
People are showing less interest in Eid which happens only twice a year yet they want their children to be good Muslims. Well, if you show more interest in Christmas and Easter, then your child will grow up only eager for those holidays and celebrations. We should take pride in this celebration. I wish I lived in an Arab country. The buzz and the atmosphere would be wild and lively.
Despite all that, I had a wonderful Eid. But one thing really affected me the next day.
Eating cats, dogs and rats was made a fatwa in Syria due to the lack of food and nutrition. Oh my Lord. CATS AND DOGS!!! This is not out of choice but out of dire need. May Allah make is easier for them. Please do all you can, charity, prayers, anything to help people them in the world.
I feel so helpless and useless living here and reading about these kind of issues. But God works in mysterious ways and all this crisis will turn around eventually.
Even the prophet Muhammad (saw) spoke of the children of Shaam. They are the real martyrs.
Their tears are like pearls and their prayers and calls are heard.
Time needs a chance in order for everything to get better.

The people who have shed blood and tears will win back what is theirs. They are already winners, They just need to win their possessions back.
(This blog was a bit all over the place and I do apologise for that. I've been really busy recently -.-
Next week's post will be delayed a little bit as well as I will be away for the weekend)
(I hope I have not offended any one. Everything good that I have done is from Allah and all my wrong doings are from no one but myself)
Peace out
Take care :D
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