Monday, 3 March 2014



And I realised …

There is hope
Hope behind every teary eye, behind every upside down smile, beneath pain

There is hope.

And we doubt ourselves so much, turning our dreams to ash because we don't hope
Well not enough

I used to dream dreams where I was in places that you can only imagine
Have things that money cannot buy
Hoping that one day as the time would fly
It would be a reality

I hoped
But not enough

I kept my dreams as my dreams
Not turning them in to goals
Hoping that hope would do it's job
But it didn't, and it wont

Because hope needs hard work behind it
Every sweat and every tear
The way hope is behind every fear
I need to hope to work hard, work hard then make my hopes my reality.

Only then I can say
I had hope behind my teary eyes, upside down smile
And hope lay beneath my pain.

Salma Razia Khatun

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