For those who read my blogs may be aware that my passion for the Middle East is very strong. And for those who do not read my blogs but aim to start reading my blogs, will learn that my passion for the Middle East is very strong.
Over the past years (in the past few weeks to be more precise and up to date) it has become very apparent that the media has double standards. According to the media, some news is bigger and more important than other news and some lives are far more important than the lives of young people of a certain religion, ethnicity, age, colour, country, background!
We have all heard the news of Lee Rigby, a British Soldier in the army, who was murdered by two men on a street in London. This murder was on the front pages of nearly all the newspapers in the UK and was the focal point of social networking sites for nearly two weeks - if not longer.
All the newspapers and news broadcasts emphasised how two (supposedly) Muslim men had killed this man. Were these men not ordinary men who had committed a crime? According to the media, it was important to point out that these men were MUSLIM men. Apparently, one Muslim man's act sets a label for the Muslim nation. Ridiculous!
So, we have all heard of Lee Rigby but what about Nahid Almanea, a woman who was murdered in Colchester because she was a Muslim?
I will not be surprised if you have no idea what I am talking about.
A Muslim woman, from Saudi Arabia, studying in the UK, was stabbed sixteen times due to the clothing she was wearing. She was not just in traditional Arab clothing as some newspapers have described (a minority of newspapers), she was wearing religious clothings. The Abaya (Long black lose garmet), the Hijab (headscarf) and the Niqab (veil covering the face only revealing the eyes). Newspapers (such as the Daily Mail) failed to address that this woman was Muslim to avoid their audience from thinking that this was a murder against religion - when clearly it was. Why was it that this Muslim, Saudi Arabian woman got hardly any coverage on the media? Was she not human? Is her life no more important than the life of a soldier, a pop star, another human being?
The three American Israelis who were kidnapped and were missing for nearly two weeks, then later found dead, was all over the media recently. THREE Israeli teenagers had more attention on the media than the thousands of Palestinians who are killed every day!!!
The three American Israelis who were kidnapped and were missing for nearly two weeks, then later found dead, was all over the media recently. THREE Israeli teenagers had more attention on the media than the thousands of Palestinians who are killed every day!!!
It is sad that they were kidnapped and killed and left in the woods with no life but this is something that happens daily to other victims and the media doesn't show any of this. If you follow the right people on social media, you may hear about daily killings in Palestine but other than these first hand news sources, mainstream media show nothing.
I personally think that the Israeli government knew that the young boys were dead before they started arresting and detaining Palestinian people. It is a sly tactic of theirs.
Shortly after they had found these boys, they sought revenge by kidnapping a Palestinian teenager and burning him whilst he was alive. Muhammad Hussein Abu Khdeir, the fifteen year old Palestinian was hardly in the mainstream media and to be honest, the extreme Israelis who murdered him will most probably get away with it. Some news sources say how the Israeli police have arrested six men connected to the Murder of Muhammad, but I would like to see proof. It is probably something they are saying to keep everyone quiet.
Since the kidnap and death of the three Israeli teenagers - one who was a soldier, more Palestinian children have been kidnapped, beaten, detained and Gaza has been under attack continuously. Muslims are in the holy month of Ramadan where one uses their time to fast and supplicate to the Lord but these Palestinians are grieving daily because of their losses. They are denied good access to food and water and at the time of breaking their fasts, their houses get attacked and raided.
The only time I have seen the BBC report any news from Palestine was when the cousins of Muhammad Hussein Abu Khdeir, Tarik, was beaten brutally. The news would not have shown anything but he was an American citizen on holiday in Palestine. Hence why America had to do something. But really and truly, they don't give a dahm about this boy. They are too interested in satisfying the needs of the terrorists. Israel.
Palestinian lives are too worthless for them to put on the news.
Aside these recent events, and the current bombings of Gaza which have not been shown in the media as much, there are more events happening around this world which we are living in.
There are victims all over the world but in recent conflicts, it seems like Muslims are becoming the victims of murder.
Killings of innocent civilians in Syria which has been going on for more than three years.
Killing of Muslims in Burma.
Muslims getting butchered in Central African Republic.
Muslims getting killed in Sri Lanka. I don't even want to go into depth with what's happening in Iraq.
It's all getting out of hand.
Our Western Political leaders are useless along with the leaders of the Arab world. With all the power to stop all this conflict, they sit by and do nothing.
I wish I had the power to stop all the conflicts in this world and live in peace and harmony.
"They used to say Palestinians fight like heroes... now they say heroes fight like Palestinians"- Unknown.
Salma Razia Khatun
Instagram & Twitter: SalmaKhatun95
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