If you are a uni
student you may be able to relate to this post.
My daily routine:
So my alarm goes off
and after the 10th time of pressing snooze, I mentally
prepare myself and set myself the challenge to roll out of bed within
3 seconds.
Sometimes if I am eager
I pass this challenge but often, I don't.
I get myself down the
stairs, greet my parents if they are awake, interview whoever is on
the other side of the bathroom door - 'Who's in there!!?? How long
are you going to be??!! HURRY UP!!!'.
Wait around for a bit
then get my turn. (Living with a big family with one bathroom isn't
as fun as it sounds). I look at the mirror whilst brushing my teeth
analysing my designer eye bags which worsen everyday.
After making myself a
cuppa I manage to get myself changed, drink my tea whilst putting on
my face for the day and voilĂ ... I am ready and kickin' to start my
(Okay, I am not as
Sometimes, when I have
late starts, I find myself rushing because I take longer to get
ready, taking my precious time, moving around at a snails pace. Often
it is because I rave by myself whilst getting ready and take snapchat
selfies. Music and getting ready do not go well together.
After kissing my
parents goodbye, I get to the station, get on a train and within the
hour, I am at university sitting in a lecture which I have done no
reading for.
(Just to note something
about me, I cannot leave the house or start a day of well if I have
not kissed my parents. It's a childhood habit)
So I will be sitting in
my lecture, copying everything off the board on to my notebook.
Everyone else uses laptops but I like it old school. (Feather pen,
ink pot and papyrus)
Seminars are the most
awkward. Everyone speaks and asks technological questions and by that
I mean wordy and intellectual. I barely understand the question they
ask let alone the response it receives. And then there's me who asks
a question in the most simple vocabulary... 'Why is the media bad?'
(I haven't actually asked this before)
I am sure everyone does
this - avoid eye contact when the teacher looks at you. Unless you
really want to say something.
As interesting as my
modules are, (Conflict reporting, Humanitarian communication &
Arabic language) I go into uni with one aim. To get through to the
end of the day and go home.
Last year my aim was to
get through the week to enjoy the weekend. It was a mechanical
routine where I was doing something which I hated! This year however
its much better.
The days I have long gaps (from 4-5 hours) I spend time catching up with work or watching a film. (Thug Life)
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Sometimes I feel like it is like this... |
Once at home, my bag
goes one way, clothes go the other, hair gets tied up, the fake face
removed, nighties on, dinner eaten and the rest of the evening is
dedicated to slobbing in front of the TV. Sometimes I have one hour
naps which actually last several hours. (This evening was an example
of that. 3 hours nap.) (Unless I have last minute reading to do...
which I still leave till the morning)
The weekend:
I cannot live without a
diary/planner. My weekends get planned weeks in advance and they are
what I get through the days for. Family, cleaning up after myself
and more slobbing around.
So this is it. The
robotic life of this uni student.
This weekend will be
different for me... I'm going away for the weekend!!! Wooh!
(This means Friday blog
will not be up... If you are following my February Blog Challenge, I
apologise in advance. But get ready for Monday's post... All about my
weekend trip)
If you haven't already, read my previous blog
Follow me on:
Instagram: SalmaKhatun95 & SalaamSalma
Twitter: SalmaKhatun95
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