(Check it out)
When I first use these different remedies, it makes a huge difference but after a while, my skin becomes immune to it so it does not have the same effect as it does in the beginning. Nonetheless, these do work a treat and everyone's skin is different. (Plus you need to use these remedies regularly which I fail to do)
After doing research on how to get rid of acne and the marks, I came across an everyday ingredient which is stored in every South Asian household.
Turmeric Powder

Turmeric has been used for a long long time especially by South Asians for many reasons.
It is a herbal medicine which is good for sore throat, a good food supplement, can help with diseases and cancers and a face mask.
Asians have used turmeric on their skin for a while and I have now come to understand why this is applied on a traditional bride a night or two before the wedding. It makes the skin glow and it looks radiant and clear.
I decided to use this for a while to help my acne scars and to give me a glowy face. I even used it on my back before I showered. (It used to leave me looking like a Simpson but you just have to wash it off really well)
How to make Turmeric face mask
2 teaspoons of turmeric powder
1 teaspoon of honey (honey has anti bacterial properties and leaves skin soft)
1-2 teaspoons of milk
Mix until it is a paste which is not to liquidy but not too dry, apply on face and leave for around 10-15 mins. Then wash off.
Honey and lemon
After realising the turmeric mask wasn't so effective on my skin anymore (it has done wonders on my friend), I started to use lemon and honey on my face and back. I would slice a lemon and put honey on it and rub it on my skin
Lemon is like a bleach - it helps lighten scars. (Be sure not to go into the sun with the lemon on your skin) This helped a little and I still do this time to time.
Make sure to wash this off. The honey is sticky and a little messy.
(I occasionally rub lemon juice on my skin before sleeping without washing it off.)
Toothpaste and salt
I came across a youtube video for spots which said toothpaste and salt was good for acne, so I tried it. I mixed a teaspoon of salt to two teaspoons of toothpaste and smurred this all over my face.
A word of advise for my fellow beings...
DO NOT TRY THIS!!! My eyes stung from the paste and it was burning my skin. I think I even went blind for a few minutes. On the plus side, my face was left minty fresh.
My all time favourite remedy at the moment has got to be the use of oats and other ingredients!
Oats is a good scrub and it leaves the skin feeling soft and fresh.
I make a facial and body scrub using oats in various ways.
It is actually good for dry skin, flaky skin, spots, marks and eczema. Basically, I recommend this to people with sensitive skin (unless you are allergic to oats).
I have actually replaced shower gel and soaps with this oat scrub. (Except when I am in the gym.)
When making the scrub, you do not want it to be too pasty or too dry.
I use either one of these mixes at least twice a week:
How to make oats face scrub
1. 2 tablespoons of oats (or the amount you desire), lemon
2. Oats, water
3. Oats, water/lemon, baking soda
For a while, I used a baking soda and a water/lemon paste on my face for blackheads and spots but I felt this dried out my face too much. So I stopped using this. But mixed with the oats, it is not so bad.
Apple Cider vinegar
Before I sleep, I apply apple cider vinger (3 parts to 1 part water in a spray bottle) to my back and face as it is a good way of reducing acne scars. I have been using this for a while and it has made a change. I get less spots on my back and the marks are slowly getting lighter. (Again, make sure to not expose the skin to the sunlight while this is on) It has a very strong smell but beggars cannot be choosers ey.
Apple cider vinegar has other benefits:
Good for cooking and cleaning, good for drinking to help maintain sugar levels, helps in losing weight (it tastes disgusting and you have to force it down you. I have only done this once)
Coconut oil!!!
This oil is my best friend. It is good for stretch marks (so people say. I personally haven't seen much change) good for moisturising, hair, make up remover, patchy skin and for cavities.
Yes, cavities in the teeth. Coconut oil is an anti bacterial. Swishing a spoonful of it around the mouth for at least ten minutes helps prevent cavities and reduce the size of the cavities you may already have.
So I have tried quite a few home remedies for my acne and the marks my spots have left behind. These are just a few of the many I have actually tried.
I am currently trying out Castor Oil. I will let ya'll know how that is working out for me.
I am currently trying out Castor Oil. I will let ya'll know how that is working out for me.
This post was rather long, but I hope you enjoyed it and try out some of them.
I am so glad to hear that. Do let me know if you tried any out and how it went for you. :D
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