Friday, 6 November 2015

Humans In My Life - Sakira

"People say I can't seem to sit still or even relax. I always feel there's something to do, I don't even know what but there is always something. My head is always pounding and even when I am sat still my brain is constantly whirling like a roller coaster. One time at an Indian head massage the lady physically couldn't touch my head as she could feel my veins pulsating .

It's weird how I have become this active-non stop-keep on moving kinda person because I came out into this world still. Very still, not a sound, not a cry, not screaming to the top of my lungs like Zakia (my twin sister). 

My feet met the world first, maybe thats why I love running . My feet look after me, they have taken me on a lot of adventures, secret places, helped me climbed trees, got soaked in the sea, ran marathons, swam in oceans, jumped so high and landed safely. My feet carry all of me and I am proud of my feet.

Sometimes they have a mind of their own my feet, I find myself in places I never knew existed! They are always first in and first out and always lead the way. The only time they are still is in prayer. I neglect them but they always work without me trying.

I wear size 3 shoes as an adult but I wore size 5 as a kid! Now I know you are thinking that's very weird!!! No my feet didn't suddenly shrink.
My Abbaji had the idea my feet will grow into a size 5 but my feet stopped growing long back as I did! 
I guess my feet has enough space to breath. Without realising in many ways my feet were being cared for and now they take care of me".

From me to you: That saying 'my feet are my only carriage' fits perfectly with your life. Often, we forget how blessed we are to have working limbs and to have our own carriage which can take us to where we please is such a blessing. It's funny isn't it? These two limbs, as funny as they look, or as weird as their shapes are, big, small or meaty, they allow us to stand balanced on the surface of this god given earth so we can appreciate all the wonders. I hope your feet do not give up on you and I hope they take you on more adventures to see the unseen. I hope my feet can join your feet on these adventures and we can have a feet party with those who join along the way. Freedom and victory for feet!!! 

Check out my last blog post:

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