Saturday, 14 September 2013

Imagine and Appreciate

Hey people :D
I have decided that I am going to start blogging weekly. 
So say Salaam to Saturdays. (My blogs are open to everyone by the way. Don't turn away because of the word Salaam, it's just a greeting in Arabic)
I will blog about a different topic every week, well I will try to,and it could be about the most random-est things ever. So, if you are interested to see what I will be writing about, do check out my blog posts every Saturday's. 
Much appreciated. Anyway, this is a post for this Saturday. Today. Soooo, Salaam Saturday =D

I saw a short video recently of a father holding his dead son in Syria and telling his son that he will find his killer and he will get his revenge. 
The boy was around 8-10 years old, covered in white bloodied cloth and pale faced. I don't often tear up when watching emotional stuff, but recently all these short videos from Syria, Egypt and Palestine make me weak. I lose my macho-ness (my strength in other words) and a few tears can be spotted rolling down my face.

It got me thinking though. We see all these wars, chaos, blood shed and tears, shootings, stabbings, chemical use in the Eastern part of the world.

Imagine, just imagine for a few seconds, that all that chaos, running down the street only to see your family member lying there, dead from a gun shot, from the chemicals thrown at him/her, imagine all this happening in the UK. 
It's hard to imagine it to be honest. We are so used to our easy lifestyles, sitting in the comfort of our homes (just as I am doing now), planning what we will do for the next day. Some people around the world KNOW that they may not even live to see the next day. 

Imagine, coming home after school/college/uni/work only to find that settlers have broken your house down, imagine walking the streets with a friend one minute and the next, s/he is lying dead next to you. It's still hard to imagine because it hasn't happened in our lifetime. We are the fortunate ones to have never experienced war and hopefully we won't have to experience such disasters. 

Yes, we can all agree that the government isn't the best government in the UK (as I may have mentioned in one of my previous blog post's), the Government and the people in Power in America try to act like heroes, however, let's just be grateful to some of the laws that exist such as the Human Rights. Having the right to water and not having our drums of water being shot so we are deprived, having basic shelter and not having to migrate many miles to seek refuge, having the right to education and not getting shot on the way there. 
I'm grateful that our Prime Minister, isn't worshiped. Yes, people may like him an all, but let's face is, majority of us dislike him. 
But at least, we are still being accepted in the country. At least the government isn't killing all the Muslims, all the Hindu's, all the Jews. 

Recently I was doing an application for something and one of the question's was:
If you had power over the whole world for a day, what would you do?

I answered:
I guess saying 'I would have world peace for the day' is too common. 
Instead I would swap lives. We have all seen the news and we can see what is happening in parts of the Middle East, parts of Asia and Africa. Where there are issues going on, for a whole day, I would make those issues become apparent in another part of the world, probably the Western part of the world, and where we are living life with no wars, I would put that atmosphere in parts of the world where there are conflicts going on. 
So, I would make the West become a war zone and I would make the East live in peace.
My reason for doing this would be because, those who are suffering are getting non stop grief from their governments, from their family members being shot, having to bury a loved one everyday. Many of them have never experienced peace like the young people living in Gaza. However, people in the West, like my self, have life easy. Going out and coming back to a warm place to spend the night. Fortunately, many of us have not experienced war or anything that critical, yet we complain about things we may or may not have. 
For one day, if lives were swapped around, people will know what peace is, what family is, what comfort is, what safety is. 
For one day, people will know what war is, what bloodshed and loss feels like, what an aching heart feels like. Though this doesn't seem right, making people experience pain, it will make them appreciate what they have. It will make them content with their surroundings and hopefully make them less greedy. And for the ones suffering now, at least they will know what the good things feel like.

Because of all these wars going on in the world, it makes me appreciate life much more and it makes me value all the advantages we have by being British and living in London. 
Many of us are picky or we want the latest thing. We should try and take a break from always wanting and getting and we should start thinking and giving in anyway possible. It could be through charity, through prayers, or even just remembering the oppressed once a day.

I hope this made sense and that you enjoyed it.
And hopefully, another blog post will be up next Saturday. 

Peace out
Taa :D

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