I hope everyone is doing well.
Wow. This Saturday came fast. I didn't realise how hard it is to choose a topic to write about.
This week I've decided that I'm going to write a little bit about my family. If you decide to read my blogs weekly, not only should you know me a little bit, but know a bit about my family as well.
So here goes. Only about my immediate family though because I do not have a family tree. I have a family Forest. And that would take ages to write about and you would probably read for the sake of reading and you won't enjoy it.
We are a family made of 8 members. Actually, 9 members. If you have a cat for 10 years, he becomes a sibling of yours.
I'll start of with my Dad or 'Abbaji' as I call him in my mother tongue. My father is not soooo old but he is old. I don't actually realise how old my dad is getting until I go out with him and he has to take rests by sitting on a bench or something. Despite that, he still has the heart of his young self. Joking and laughing and cracking these lame jokes. I remember when he used to carry me on his shoulder and take me to the corner shop. That won't be happening anymore. It'll be weird and I'll probably break his shoulder. He used to be this really strong man, with pitch black hair and a nicely trimmed beard. I used to sprint beside him as he used to walk slowly. And, his hugs. Boy, my Abbaji's hugs are indescribable. When your upset and he hugs you, it makes your burst into tears even more and when your happy, they just make you feel over the moon. So that's my dad.
My Mum - Ammaji. A feisty, STRONG woman she is. She has more strength than the two 'men' in this household. Yet she is delicate. Her cooking is to die for. I mean, sometimes when we decide to go out to eat, nothing compares to the food my mum cooks. Though her English isn't so great, she still has the confidence to go out and make conversation with people and she can get by. She is independent and supporting. When I'm ill, she's the one by my bedside giving me those bed baths. Well, not exactly a bed bath, but taking care of me. My mum used to have the figure of a model back in her days. She's had 6 children and for her age, I think she doesn't look so bad. Her blouses don't even fit my sister because they're too tight on her. My sister is a size 6. Oh boy. Well, that's my beautiful mum.
Sometimes I think, I wish I could see how my parents were before they married, before they had children. The mischief they would have got up to. But that's a story that slowly gets revealed by other family members.
Now, my siblings. I have four older sisters and one older brother (and my younger cat brother). Yes, I am the youngest (from the humans) but unfortunately, I am not so spoilt. Actually, it's a fortunate thing. It makes me work hard for what I want and I don't always expect things.
My oldest sister is a fitness instructor (and is an ex amateur boxer) and in all honesty, her expertise has not helped me. I am not slim or muscular, but I'll get there... one day.
After her come my non- identical twin sisters. One who is a mortgage advise manager who loves to dress up. She's probably the fashionista in the house but she is sooo dopey, and one who is a police officer. I used to get really excited telling people about the police lady, I still do, but her shift work drives me crazy. Stupid hours and I barely get to see her. The incidents that she deals with leads me to having sleepless nights due to my vivid imagery.
My brother is a Geography teacher at a local secondary school. I do not know how he manages the students. I think they have to learn to handle him instead. I mean, the jokes and break dance moves he comes out with. Cor Blimey!
Then there's my final sister. She works for charity organisations and is a youth worker and I'm grateful for that. Because of the youth work that she does, I have managed to go to Atlanta, Sweden, Greece and recently Switzerland for various reasons. Conferences, exchanges, skiing. It' not because I am her sister, but because I participate and volunteer and the youth group she works in just happened to be the coolest thing I've come across.
So that's their careers. A little bit about them. They are all crazy!!! We are genuinely nice people and we have different yet similar behaviours and characteristics. We go wild when we see playgrounds. It unusual, seeing as they are all in their late twenties. We try and speak different languages to people when we go out and sometimes we speak in made up languages amongst each other. We all love to travel and my sisters have seen a fair share of the world. They've been to EGYPT!!! I AM DYING TO GO THERE!!! And the youth worker went to Palestine this summer. She went to the places where I have been dreaming to go. Most of the times they have been away, they have always left me at home because I am the youngest. That's one of the downsides plus many more. But, their travelling makes make more passionate to travel and I want to see everything!!!
Even though my brother is the only male sibling, I am glad to say that he is manly and our feminine behaviour has not rubbed off on him. More like, his manly traits have rubbed off on us. All of us sisters are slightly Tom-Boyish. We all love sports, take part in sports and try and do marathons. (I did a half marathon on November 2012 by the way, just saying, but that has been topped by them doing full marathons in and out of London).
When I was little, I was a mad tom-boy. My best friend in nursery was a boy and I used to be a bad influence on him. We used to go to them plastic yellow and red cars, pull, sometimes beat, the girls out, and roll around like we owned the place. Looking back now, using your feel to get the car moving isn't as bad boy as it seemed. I once received a girls outfit on my fifth birthday from my neighbour and I had the guts to throw it from my hand onto the sofa and shout 'I DON'T LIKE THIS!'.
There's a lot of hilarious stories that we have had in our lives, from fashion (if you're Asian, you would have at some point experienced the Salwar Kameez and Trainers phase), to going out (and randomly ending up on the floor) and many more. Sometimes when we're out, people ask us if we're drunk!!! NOOO!!! WE DON'T DRINK! Seriously, it can happen! You can have fun, be happy and laugh all night when you have the right company, and you do not need a drink for that to happen. Coke is like the most toxic thing we consume (and shisha) (Typical Asians).
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The five of us sisters (In Switzerland, Chillin' in a tree :) |
I think a big THANK YOU goes out to my parents for raising us with manners, with a life and soul and giving us the right amount of freedom to explore the world and see what's out there.
Anyway, Hope ya'll enjoyed that.
Peace out.
Au Revoir.
Ma'as Salama.
(If you enjoyed this, do look out for my weekly Saturday blogs)
Or keep up to date with what I do through Twitter or Instagram - SalmaKhatun95
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