It is my last blog post on my 'healthy eating/ no carbs/ low carbs' journey.
(slash junk food journey)
It's been easy yet hard and challenging. Easy at the beginning which was three weeks ago and it got more challenging as I ran out of creative ways to cook and eat.
An overview of my past three weeks:
Week 1: (Days 1-7) No carbs at all!!!
Week 2: (Days 8-14) Some carbs and a bit of junk
Week 3: (Days 15-21) Some more carbs and a bit more junk
Though I have been eating carbs, I have tried to substitute white colours with brown such as brown rice and... that is the only main carb I have had to be honest. Oh and sweet potatoes (and when I have been totally weak, a few chips/fries). I have had a fair share of chocolates but I have stayed away from crisps. (I have forgotten what cheese and onion crisps taste like)
I have felt healthier than previously and more energetic. I have always been sporty but a kinda lazy sports person. I have done a half marathon previously and I know I can push my body to doing at least 9 miles without stopping but my lazy mentality stops me from doing more than two laps around the park which is less than 1km.
Tomorrow night there will be an 8km night run and I am going to challenge myself and try finish it without stopping. It is a pretty last minute thing so I have done no training for it whatsoever.
People normally do 5-10km in the gym but I remember the days when I used to actually train for my 5km runs.
Anyway, without further ado...
Day 18 (Thursday)
Porridge & a cuppa tea. (Nothing new there)

Cod fish in batter (which I grill) with a side of Salad. (Again, nothing new)
I did say, I have run out of creative things to eat. However, I did add something different.
The usual, cucumber, tomato, sun dried tomato, feta cheese, beetroot and something a little different.
I added sunflower seeds which are high in magnesium and vitamin E and some other nutrients which are good for you. I also added a herb called Za'atar which is often used in Arab cuisine. So a twist to my Salad. I suggest you try it.
Four fried chicken wings. Getting my typical London fast food in there. (Just kept to the protein. LOL. As if that is any healthy)
Day 19 (Friday)
Low fat Greek yoghurt with kiwi and honey topped with Milled Linseed which is a nutritious and wholesome cereal topping but I am a rule breaker!!! Oh yeah! (and a cuppa tea).
Due to be being up in my room doing my 2500 words essay I didn't realise how fast the time went. So I missed lunch. (Often when I miss a meal I claim that I am wasting away but really and truly, the amount of food in me, I could last a whole year without eating - maybe... I should try it one day)

Fried chicken breast on a bed of Salad made of rocket leaves, spinach, feta cheese and sun dried tomato. I had onion chutney sauce which was quite nice.
So, Fried chicken two days in a row after a whole month.
That's that. The end of my blog posts. I have day 20 and 21 to go through. We'll see how that goes especially knowing that I will be doing a night run.
My body image has not changed but my health certainly has. It's not all about the numbers on the weighing scale.
As a kid, I suffered heavily from asthma especially during the winter when the cold would make it harder for me to breathe. I found it hard to run and do sports as I would run out of breath really quickly. The doctors had to write out prescriptions for two inhalers- a blue one which is a reliever for when I felt my chest would tighten and a brown inhaler for which would help decrease the risk of having an asthma attack. (Luckily I have never experienced a severe asthma attack.)
But from the age of 17 till now, my asthma has cleared up a lot as I have been doing more exercise. (Even though I have barely moved for the past year). The doctors have even stopped prescribing me from getting inhalers.
There are certain illness which we often think we cannot get rid off but with a healthy lifestyle, we can actually fight it. Even diabetes. I have heard of many cases where adults have actually managed to fight diabetes completely by exercising and having a good diet. I wish my parents could do the same but rice and curry dominates in their lives.
I have received some feedback from people on FaceBook and Instagram and I really appreciate the positivity and motivation. It is not always easy talking about health and fitness to an audience but my readers have made me feel confident in doing so. So thank you for all your support.
My blog posts will not stop here. I will give an update on how the run went and how well or bad I did. If I 'hit the wall'. I will post about other health issues such as acne, which I have suffered from and a few general posts. So do follow my Instagram page for updates.
This is Salma Razia Khatun and this has been my journey through health & fitness. (This sounds like the end of a documentary)
Peace Out
Check out Day 16 & 17
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