This time with something a little different. No politics, no poetry, no opinion posts.
I am here with my journey through health and fitness.
Everyone has a relationship with food and fitness. We either love it or we hate it.
As a a child I was really active and ran around endlessly but by 2002 I started becoming a 'chubby bunny'.
I was not lazy but I had a romantic relationship with food!!! I loved it!
I always thought 'When I grow up I will become slim by going to the gym' because this is the change I saw with one of my sister's. I come from a sporty family where all my siblings take part in sports and one is a fitness instructor. But my lack of determination to make a healthy change has got me no where.
Having fast food joints on my way home from school where I would indulge in the deep fried chicken wings and chips did not help! Especially with it being really cheap.
Growing up, I have tried cutting out the junk food from my diet but I could not go on for too long. I was weak! During secondary school I was sporty but hid myself in baggy clothes thinking it would hide the fat. But nu-uh. It made me look bigger.
The only time I lost three quarters of a stone within a week was in 2009 when I had the swine flu. This is when I plucked up the courage to buy my first ever skinny jeans.
Since the beginning of secondary school I have done runs (as I am pretty decent in long distant running) with my first being a 3k kids run which I beat my sister in. I started doing 5ks and by 2010 I had done a 10k.
During college, my fashion had become a little better and I was wearing clothes which fit me. This helped me look a little better. I also joined the gym and was there for two years. Though I had not lost much weight, I saw the change my body had gone through. I was starting to develop a womanly figure. Jumpers which fit me really well during the first year of college started to fit slightly loosely by second year. I even needed belts to keep my jeans up.
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First half marathon with the sisters. (Not the most decent image) |
9 miles without stopping then walked and jogged the rest. I have not done a run since.
After the first year of uni I stopped hitting the gym because I could no longer afford it. I thought I would stay active by doing exercise at home but I had no motivation. I tried doing squats every once in a while but my lazy attitude got the better of me.
I've just come to the end of my second year of uni and I have realised, I have not been to the gym properly since last year July. My bingo wings, third chin, wobbly thighs are making an appearance and I am afraid I will be developing kankles soon if I do not do anything about it.
No Carb diet
I have tried the no Carb diet for a few days before and have seen some changes but I have not carried on with it long enough. I lose momentum really fast.
My brother, sister and I have decided we are going to go two weeks without carbohydrates; the bad kind.
Carbs often turn to sugar and if not used, it stores as fat. Huge intake of carbs can lead to Diabetes (as many Asians can relate to) and heart diseases and often it leaves us feeling bloated or heavy.
We are going to get rid of foods such as: Bread, Pasta, Rice, Cereals, Biscuits, Potatoes and replace these with proteins and high in vitamin foods such as: meat, fish, chicken, vegetables and salads.
Even if I do not see the pounds drop off, I hope it will make me embrace a healthier lifestyle.
Day 1

Day 1 was not so bad. My day consisted of exercise, eating, sleeping and working.
For breakfast I had a smoothie with: banana, prunes, cashew nuts and almond mik.
I went for a jog in the park doing two laps and half a lap cycling.
Lunch consisted of a salad: spinach, gherkins, olives, sun dried tomatoes, cashew and pistachio nuts and cucumber with a boiled egg.

To end day 1, dinner consisted of grilled chicken breast with mushrooms, onions and blue cheese with a side of corn on cob and salad.
I was tempted to dive into the cake and custard which was teasing me after dinner but I stayed strong. Will power!!!
(To be honest, my weak side got me having the custard but with fruits, so I didn't fail completely)
Only 13 more days to go with a no carbs. (I will try the first seven days then see if I can manage the second week)
Follow my journey through the next two weeks. I will be posting every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Remember one thing, before making changes, learn to love and appreciate yourself.
Peace out!
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