Saturday 12 October 2013

Oppa Story time!!!

Salaam my fellow people,
People of the world.

I know it's day time, and most of us probably woke up a few hours or minutes ago, but I'm going to have a short STORY TIME!!! Op Op, Oppa story time.

So recently on Facebook and Twitter, I posted a status telling my friends and family to inbox me stories, poems or pictures or anything creative and I would choose the winner and post their creative piece in my next blog.

This was the winner story after choosing very hard between 3 pieces. A stupid poem which deserves no credit, a one worded story and finally the winner. A dear friend of mine, a young lady with passion for literature, Khadija Rahman. Well done young laday!!! (Plus you were the only sane one in this small competition)
This is an extract of her story which she is working on:

'Tears fell from her gentle brown eyes as he whispered those two words... 'she's dead'. Only then did the feeling of woefulness overcome her entire body. Finally had the surreal-ness faded as she slowly drew herself closer to the body, that laid there with merely nothing. But just a white cloth to cover her. She sat parallel to the body, crouched, with her head buried in her knees. For had she not only lost her niece that day but her best friend also.'

This needs a round of applause. So where ever you are reading from, please clap. (Thank you to those who clapped. If you didn't clap, there is going to be a witch standing at your bedroom window tonight.) Although it's just an extract, it engaged me straight away and to be honest, I was left wanting more. So to the winner, if you are reading this, HURRY UP AND TRY AND FINISH THIS THANG!!!

If any of you have a creative side and you would like to share something, but may not have a blog or anything, why not share it with me.
I could post it for you and don't worry, I will give you credit for it.
I think expression through creative writing or even drawing is important. It doesn't even matter if what you write make no sense to others, as long as it makes sense to you, then that's what counts.

Hope you enjoyed the short story.
If you want more then let me know

再见- Zàijiàn
Au revoir

Email me your pieces on:
Follow me on twitter & Instagram: SalmaKhatun95

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