Sunday 24 May 2015

It is us who have died... Poem

I am back!
I tend to do this a lot. I consecutively blog for a few weeks then I take a long ass break because I get caught up with everything around and then I make a comeback. 
For this comeback, I have a poem. 

This poem was inspired by my mother (and she doesn't even know it). 
A quick story: After my mother married my father at the age of 16 and moved to London, the younger one out of her two big brothers passed away. She received this news many days later as calling abroad was not common and letters took ages to send and receive. When she finally went back to her village a few years later, her elder brother said this. 'He has left this Dunya (world) but it is us who have died'. 
The death of my uncle left such a huge impact on people and many of them could not come to terms with his death even years later. 
With the current crises going on in the world now, I thought about writing this poem. 
It vaguely covers the crises in Nepal, Palestine, Syria, Bangladesh, American racism, Rohingya and other places in this world where these descriptions apply. 
I hope you enjoy this. 

Everytime they mentioned your death, 
it wasn't really you who died. But the world. 
You simply left this earth but it is we who had to mourn 

and endure the pain knowing you will never return. 
Everytime they mentioned your death, 
The poorer we became.
For yours was the soul infused with richness,
And when you went, the world was left in poverty.
You have had an easy escape from the torment of this horrendous world, 

leaving behind the evil bitterness.
Those of us who are alive will wake up everyday 

unable to get your image out of our minds.
How you were stuck under all that rubble 

and how you had become blind.
How you were shot when trying to go to school 

and how the phosphorus effected you and your child.
The image of you trying to swim to safety during the floods 

and you getting killed defending your religion.
Oh and that image of you being a black man one minute 

and no one but dead the next.
You may have left this world, 

and doctors may have announced the time of your death, 
But every second, it is we who are dying 
from the painful sound and scenes of your soul leaving the earth. 

By Salma Razia Khatun

Follow my personal and social Instagram pages for pictures and updates.

I will be posting every Sunday hopefully!!! (For the next 4-5 weeks before I go away for the summer)

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