Wednesday 11 February 2015

What inspires me? (February Blogging Challenge)

Before I make a start, I would like to make a short comment on something off topic to my post tonight.
I would like to say Rest in Peace to the three students in North Carolina who were shot and I apologise on behalf of the media which makes your lives seem worthless because you are nothing but Muslims. In this world, and the time we live in now, unless you are a Muslim behind a gun or behind a huge terrorist plan, you will not make the headlines.
To the little Moroccan boy who was held down under a security guard's foot whilst he stepped on your head with his military boots in a station in Sweden, stay strong and show the world your faith. Faith makes you stronger.

Today’s aim of this post was to write a few things about what inspires me and drives me out of bed but I felt this had to addressed before I could make a start.

Without further ado...

What inspires me?
They have so little yet smile and run around with eachother on the
streets. (Bangladesh - Chittagong)
Vague question, hard to narrow down but one thing which inspires me is seeing people who have been through a lot in life: challenges, problems, success, everything, but still carry on with life trying to make a better change and successful future. (Especially those who are humble about it)

People who smile no matter the circumstance – this inspires me. Everyday we pass people who smile at us. This could be a cover up of their traumatic life but they still choose to share a smile with us. I admire these people.
My family inspire me: My parents – they inspire me to love. To solve issues before it is too late. To be childish yet take the best care of my children. (Note: I am not married nor am I a mother, but when I am, God Willing, I want to raise my children the way my did us)
My mother inspires me to be a good woman and to be a good wife to whoever my husband may be. My father inspires me with his dedication to his job which he only works to make ends meat for his family. He has given up a lot for the satisfaction of not himself but for his grown ass children. (We vary from ages 32 to 20)
My siblings all come from professional backgrounds and growing up, all I have seen them do is study and learn new things to improve themselves. I have seen them take endless exams to get good jobs and this inspires me to follow the same path.
My friends – My closest friends who have characteristics of their own but all share one common characteristic of faith. When we discuss Islam together, share stories, experiences etc., they inspire me to get more in touch with my Deen.

What makes me go crazy?
When I am explaining something over and over and someone still doesn't understand what I am saying.
People who chew with their mouth open and make the 'chppp chppp' noise. (I have learnt to control my fist in situations like these)
People who leave the door open.

What drives me out of bed in the morning?
Knowing that this day will not come again and I only have one chance to live today as it comes. Everyday is a new experience and I look forward to each day even if it is not the best of days.
The laughter I know I will laugh with family and friends.
To educate myself (also because I know I will be paying back £27,000 for tuition fees, so getting out of bed is not an option).
The sunshine (on days it is sunny) and the sunset.
My imagination of me in the shoes of a top notch journalist somewhere in the Middle East reporting for the world to see.
Knowing that my smile may liven up one person's day or have an impact on someone.
The thought that I may be able to do a good deed.
Getting involved in charity work
(when I can).
Knowing that God chose to let me live another day.

So that's that. 

If you haven't already, read my previous blog

Follow me on:
Instagram: SalmaKhatun95 & SalaamSalma
Twitter: SalmaKhatun95

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