Tuesday 17 February 2015

Bless the Ignorant Fool (February Blogging Challenge)

When I was a little younger I used to think I was a big shot poet, writing in my spare time, expressing my emotions through poems. 
When I look back at them I realise how soppy my poems used to. For a girl who had crushes on boy bands and actors (Wentworth Miller) I used to write a lot of emotional love poems. When I look back at them, I actually cringe. 
This poem however is something I've had saved as a draft for quite some time. It may or may not make sense but it's one of those poems that I thought of in the shower and had to write it down quickly. 
(My style of poetry may not even be considered as poetry for some of you, some of you may not have a clue what I am on about but maybe someone out there may want to make me famous and help me publish a book... maybe)

Bless The Ignorant Fool

Bless the ignorant fool who knows nothing but the four walls of his house.
Pardon me.
Let me start over.
Bless the ignorant fool who knows nothing but:
the combination to his safe,
the plate number of his Ferrari,
his double glazed windows,
the best type of wooden flooring,
the amount of cash in his bank account
the four, 
maybe 5, 6, 7 or 8 walls of his house.

Bless the ignorant fool who has been gifted with a brain 
but doesn't use it wisely. 
Or maybe it is more comforting to be oblivious to the actions of this hideous world,
Especially when the power lies in his hands to make a change.
Maybe it is easier to spend money on weapons to wipe out a race
so there are less people to help or worry about.
Or maybe the lack of education has made him unaware of what happens in this world. 

Bless the ignorant fool
and grant him with knowledge and consciousness.
Open his eyes to the destruction he has caused in this world
and make him realise how much of a fool he has been. 

By Salma Razia Khatun

I hope y'all enjoyed that and critical feedback will be appreciated.

If you haven't already, read my previous blog

Follow me on:
Instagram: SalmaKhatun95 & SalaamSalma
Twitter: SalmaKhatun95

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